Here are 27 ways to learn ethical hacking for free

1. Root Me — Challenges. 2. Stök's YouTube — Videos. 3. Hacker101 Videos — Videos. 4. InsiderPhD YouTube — Videos.


5. EchoCTF — Interactive Learning. 6. Vuln Machines — Videos and Labs. 7. Try2Hack — Interactive Learning. 8. Pentester Land — Written Content.


9. Checkmarx — Interactive Learning. 10. Cybrary — Written Content and Labs. 11. RangeForce — Interactive Exercises. 12. Vuln Hub — Written Content and Labs.


13. TCM Security — Interactive Learning. 14. HackXpert — Written Content and Labs. 15. Try Hack Me — Written Content and Labs. 16. OverTheWire — Written Content and Labs.


17. Hack The Box — Written Content and Labs. 18. CyberSecLabs — Written Content and Labs. 19. Pentester Academy — Written Content and Labs. 20. Bug Bounty Reports Explained YouTube — Videos


21. Web Security Academy — Written Content and Labs. 22. Securibee's Infosec Resources — Written Content. 23. Jhaddix Bug Bounty Repository — Written Content. 24. Zseano's Free Bug Bounty Methodology — Free Ebook.


25. Awesome AppSec GitHub Repository — Written Content. 26. NahamSec's Bug Bounty Beginner Repository — Written Content. 27. Kontra Application Security Training — Interactive Learning.
