7 types of knowledge

7 types of knowledge

1. Explicit knowledge.

Explicit knowledge (also expressive knowledge) is knowledge that can be readily articulated, codified, stored and accessed. ... It can be expressed in formal and ...

7 types of knowledge

2. Implicit knowledge.

Implicit knowledge or 'tacit knowledge' is the type of knowledge that is complex to transmit to another individual using verbalizing or .

7 types of knowledge

3. Tacit knowledge.

Tacit knowledge refers to the knowledge, skills, and abilities an individual gains through experience that is often difficult to put into words ..

7 types of knowledge

4. Procedural knowledge.

Procedural knowledge (also known as knowing-how, and sometimes referred to as practical knowledge, imperative knowledge, or performative knowledge)

7 types of knowledge

5. Declarative knowledge.

Declarative knowledge refers to facts and information about a topic. Unlike other types of knowledge, declarative knowledge focuses on the .

7 types of knowledge

6. A Posteriori knowledge.

A posteriori knowledge is empirical, experience-based knowledge, whereas a priori knowledge is non-empirical knowledge. Standard examples of a posteriori truths are the truths of ordinary perceptual experience and the natural sciences; standard examples of a priori truths are the truths of logic and mathematics.

7 types of knowledge

7. A Priori knowledge.

a priori knowledge, in Western philosophy since the time of Immanuel Kant, knowledge that is acquired independently of any particular experience, as opposed to a posteriori knowledge, which is derived from experience.