Seven Steps to Become a Web Developer.

If you don’t have any idea about what is web development and still want to become a web superstar this article is just for you. In this article, I’ll give you seven easy steps that you can follow to become a world-class web developer.

web development, php, java

First Step: Baby Web Developer

If you know where to start with, then you can go to any site like W3 schools or I highly recommend If you want to use the mobile app definitely go for the Programming Hero mobile app. You just have to go to the play store android or ios and download this app programming hero. Then go step by step with basic HTML, basic CSS, etc. These are just the baby steps, and then try to learn a little more about maybe GEET, how you write the code, and save it there. After that they spend a few more days exploring HTML 5, CSS 3 . These are just small steps that you are walking into. Sothis is your first step.

The second step: Teen Web Developer

I call this Web Teen that means you are becoming a teenager in the field of web development. And to become a teen you can still use like W 3 schools or you can use Freecodecamp or Programming hero mobile app. Your first task is to explore Bootstrap. Bootstrap is a responsive way so that the website you make fits nicely on a tablet, Mobile phone, and even on a laptop. So explore the Bootstrap. Built some websites using it and then start exploring basic javascript.

Java Script is the heart of any website and without a javaScript website will not work in most of cases. So explore the javascript understand all its fundamental parts like String, Array, or conditionals loop functions and objects. Those things and then explore a little bit more about solving some problems. For instance, how do you find the longest number in an Array? or How you reverse an Array or maybe you merge two Array, or maybe you reverse a Stream.
Learn those and explore as many problems as you can solve because you are a teenage web developer. Every world is fun for you. so find different resources explore them and built something with script and Bootstrap life would be awesome.

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The Third Step: Strong web Developer

I call this web is strong. You need to be a little bit stronger about web development and to stronger you in a lot of extra things. And the very first thing you need is visual studio code. Visual studio code is an awesome IDE where you’ll write your code and you can use a lot of fun extensions like explore email maybe some other linting tool, extensions, etc. Then install Lord may be NPM so that you can use much more interesting stuff in your project. These are the tools that will make you a little bit stronger.

Fourth Step: Spy Web Developer

I call Web Spy, Now you are becoming a detective. You are looking inside for example you learned Java Script. Then You want to learn why it is synchronized. You are using a browser but you want to go a little bit deeper what is DOM and how you can modify stuff on the browser? Also, you can debug something and at the bottom part of your browser you will explore something called the development tool and inside the development tool, you can do a lot of things. You can change texts you will change some style you can even explore javascript you can debug it and you need to see what are the different depths they are how to use those are very very useful things that you need to explore

Fifth Step: Smart Web Developer

I call this is web smart that means you are becoming smarter. You are becoming very much known or the fantastic person in your friend’s group. And to become smarter you need to know smart work, that is the smart thing about java. It is like ES6 what the new things in the ES6 like an Arrow function may be how you use new templating, structuring or maybe the class or default variables or spread operators are all these things you need to explore. Not only that you want to become even smarter than you need to learn any modern javascript framework. there are three most popular Angular JS, Vue Js, React.

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Among these three react is my personal favorite. And this has the highest number of jobs. this is the easiest one to learn. And this is the most lightweight framework or library whatever you call. The related stuff around it that has to be learned could be how to build a single page application, how to put components there how to define a component how to do the routing and how to do few other things in a single page application and that will make you a smarter web developer.

Sixth Step: Web Lover

now you need to be romantic you need to connect with other people. Maybe have some romantic dating and this dating part will date with backend. so you’re a frontend web developer guy but you still need to send some romantic messages to the backend that is through API. So when you do the API that means you are calling something in the backend. For instance, if you are in a restaurant and you order some food and somebody goes to the kitchen and brings the food, in your home your mom or your grandma whoever goes to the kitchen brings the food that means they are going some request and then and bringing some information and eventually you displace those and how do you fetch those or maybe how you use a sink a way to get what is promised. that kind of thing.

And the backend part of you will explore at least the basic part of Nord Express because I recommend Nordon Express because then in Javascript that makes your life easier and here is still whatever you are learning in the frontend you can still use those and then go a little bit beyond. Learn about MongoDB. Maybe how to host something in MongoDB at class or some other places, maybe mongo lab or some other cases but you need to explore at least a basic database. That means you’re creating lab exploring stuff and if you are into modern stuff you can think about graph QL.

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Seventh Step: Web Development Super Star

And your final step no. 7 is Web superstar and to become a web superstar you don’t only develop your application you need to know how to host those. And for that purpose, you’ll look at something called HEROKU. We’ll go there and learn how to deploy something, share those stuff, how to connect and deploy there. Not only that you’ll know some other key features. For example, how you use OAuth and that could be like a zero OAuth, it could be firebase OAuth or few other things how you can use as a social login system like Gmail login, Facebook login and that kind of things and also you’ll learn other things like how you can integrate a payment getaway, how you can write unit tests and maybe you’ll be starting looking for a job that means you need to explore some CS basics.

Maybe what is a data structure, what is an algorithm or maybe you will just search for front-end interview questions and solve those and its networking. So previously you made love with the backend developer now it’s time to have romantic relations with the recruiter may be hiring managers of those people so that they can hire you for a job. so these are the 7 steps.

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