Free Complete Data Science Degree Course.

So here I’m sharing with you a complete data science path that you can follow to become a great data scientist. Below is the collection of all the courses that you need to learn Data Science from various platforms. Undoubtedly all of them are absolutely free (Without certification) and from the top Universities of the World. If your intention is to complete your Data Science Degree without getting a certificate and for free then this is just for you. This Course is provided by OSSU.

The best part about this that I’m about to tell you is:

  • Self Learing: First of all you can do it on your own time. There are no bounds that you will have to attend this class in this time or something like that.
  • Free: Number two it is going to be completely free. That means you are not spending anything.
  • Learn from the Best: And thirdly You are learning from the best professors from the best universities around the world. So these are the three important points to keep in mind.
Contents Close
1 The Course:

The Course:

So the Data Science Degree Course has 10 stages that you have to do in a certain order which is mentioned at the end. These stages can be covered through one or more than one course. There is a total of 29 courses that you have to complete. All these courses are individual as well and can be purchased if you need their Certificates. Otherwise, you can simply audit the course and start learning it for free.

Introduction to Data Science

Course 1 What is Data Science


1️⃣ Defining Data Science and What Data Scientists Do [8 videos (Total 27 min), 4 readings, 2 quizzes]
2️⃣ Data Science Topics [8 videos (Total 39 min), 2 readings, 2 quizzes]
3️⃣ Data Science in Business [7 videos (Total 32 min), 4 readings, 4 quizzes]

Duration: Approx. 8 hours to complete.

Offered By: IBM (visit: at Coursera.

Introduction to Computer Science

Students who already know the basics of programming (any language) can skip this first course.

Course 2 Python for Everybody

About: This course is especially for beginners to get started with Python. Here you will learn how to install and write your first program with the basics of the python programming language. Along with that, you will be taught to use variables to store, retrieve and calculate information. Also utilizing core programming tools like functions and loops is in this course.

Modules: This Course actually has a set of 5 Courses which are as follows:
1️⃣ Programming For Everybody (Getting Started with Python)
2️⃣ Python Data Structures
3️⃣ Using Python to Access Web Data
4️⃣ Using Databases with Python
5️⃣ Capstone: Retrieving, Processing, and Visualizing Data with Python

Duration: Approximately at the suggested pace of 3 hours per week it will take 8 months to complete.

Offered By: University of Michigan (Visit) at Coursera.

Course 3 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python

About: This course is basically the first one of a two-course sequence: Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python, and Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science. These two are designed for absolute beginners to learn to program, think computationally, and write real-world problems tackling programs. Here you will learn Python 3.5 with feature lectures, and exercises. even if you have previously learned Python 2.7 you will be able to easily and comfortably transit to Python 3.5.

Modules: Following are the topics covered in this course:
1️⃣A Notion of computation
2️⃣The Python programming language
3️⃣Some simple algorithms
4️⃣Testing and debugging
5️⃣An informal introduction to algorithmic complexity
6️⃣Data structures

Duration: If given 14 to 16 hours per week this course will take approximately 9 weeks to get completed.

Offered By: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) at edX.

Course 4 Introduction to Computational Thinking and Data Science

About: From this course, you will learn how to use computation to accomplish a variety of goals and problem-solving. Some prior programming experience in Python and a fundamental understanding of computational complexity are required to start this course. You’ll learn plotting with pylab package, stochastic programming and statistical thinking, and Monte Carlo simulations.

Module: Following concepts will be taught in this Course:
1️⃣Advanced programming in Python 3
2️⃣Knapsack problem, Graphs and graph optimization
3️⃣Dynamic programming
4️⃣Plotting with the pylab package
5️⃣Random walks
6️⃣Probability, Distributions

Duration: Approximately 9 weeks, considering 14-16 hours per week.

Offered By: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) at edX.

Data Structures and Algorithms

The Algorithms courses are taught in Java. If students need to learn Java, they should take this course first

Course 5 Java Programming

About: Along with algorithms and OOP through Java Programming language you will learn Introduction to programming and advanced programming courses. This course also includes plenty of programming exercises and comprehensive materials. You can even start the course without separate registration.

Modules: This course is split into 2 parts which are further segregated into 7 parts each:
1️⃣ Java Programming I
2️⃣ Java Programming II

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Duration: finishing a single part can take approximately 5-20 hours, and it is recommended to reserve at least 10 hours per part.

Offered By: University of Helsinki’s free massive open online course (MOOC)

Course 6 Algorithms, Part I

About: All the essential information that a serious programmer should know about algorithms, data structures are covered in this course. Moreover, this course emphasizes applications and scientific performance analysis of java implementation. Its first half covers elementary data structures, searching algorithms, and sorting whereas the second half emphasizes the graph and string-processing algorithms.

Modules: Following are the modules per week which are further segregated:
1️⃣Course Introduction
Analysis of Algorithms
2️⃣Stacks and Queues
Elementary Sorts
Quick Sort
4️⃣Priority Queues
Elementary Symbol Tables
5️⃣Balanced Search Trees
Geometric Applications of BSTs
6️⃣Hash TAbles
Symbol Table Applications

Duration: Approximately 54 hours to get completed.

Offered By: Princeton University (Visit) at Coursera

Course 7 Algorithms, Part II

About: This is part two of the above Course.

Undirected Graphs
Directed Graphs
2️⃣Minimum Spanning Trees
Shortest Paths
3️⃣Maximum Flow and Minimum Cut
Radix Sorts
Substring Search
5️⃣Regular Expressions
Data Compression
Linear Programming (Optional)

Duration: This course takes around 63 hours to complete.

Offered By: Princeton University (Visit) at Coursera


Course 8 Database Management Essentials

About: This course provides you the foundation for your career in Database Development, warehousing, business intelligence, and for the entire Data Warehousing for Business Intelligence specialization. Here you’ll learn to create relational databases, write SQL statements to extract information to satisfy business reporting requests, create entity relationships diagrams (ERDs) to design databases, and analyze table designs for excessive redundancy. Along with developing these skills, you’ll use Oracle, MySQL, or PostgreSQL to execute SQL statements. This course is like a foundation for specialization learners. Skills such as Database (DB) Design, Entity-Relationship (E-R) Model, Database (DBMS), and SQL you will get through this course.

1️⃣Course Introduction
Introduction to Databases and DBMSs
2️⃣Relational Data Model and the CREATE TABLE Statement
3️⃣Basic Query Formulation with SQL
Extended Query Formulation with SQL
4️⃣Notation for Entity Relationship Diagrams
ERD Rules and Problem Solving
5️⃣Developing Business Data Models
Data Modeling Problems and Completion of an ERD
6️⃣Schema Conversion
7️⃣Normalization Concepts and Practice

Duration: Approx 36 hours to finish.

Offered By: The University of Colorado (Visit) at Coursera.

Course 9 Data Warehouse Concepts, Design, and Data Integration

About: This is course is the second part of the Data Warehousing for Business Intelligence Specialization. So the above-mentioned i.e. its first course should be completed before you enter into this one.

Modules: Its Weekly distributed schedules are as follows:
1️⃣Data Warehouse Concepts and Architectures
2️⃣Multidimensional Data Representation and Manipulation
3️⃣Data Warehouse Design Practices and Methodologies
4️⃣Data Integration Concepts, Processes, and Techniques
5️⃣Architectures, Features, and Details of Data Integration Tools

Duration: This course will take approx 22 hours to complete.

Offered By: The University of Colorado (Visit) at Coursera.

Course 10 Relational Database Support for Data Warehouses

About: This is the third part of the Data Warehousing for Business Intelligence Specialization Course.

1️⃣DBMS Extension and example Data Warehouse
2️⃣SQL Subtotal Operators
3️⃣SQL Analytic Functions
4️⃣Materialised View Processing and Design
5️⃣Physical Design and Governance

Duration: It will take approx 22 hours to complete.

Offered By: The University of Colorado (Visit) at Coursera.

Course 11 Business Intelligence Concepts, Tools, and Applications

About: So in the fourth course of “Data Warehouse for Business Intelligence Specialization” you will gain the knowledge and skills for using Data Warehouses for BI (Business Intelligence) purposes and for working as a Business Intelligence Developer.

Modules: The modules of this course are organized covering the BI concepts, BI systems, tools, applications, usage of Data WArehouse, etc. for business performance management and descriptive analysis which are as follows:
1️⃣Decision Making and Decision Support System
2️⃣Business Intelligence Concepts and Platform Capabilities
3️⃣data Visualization and Dashboard Design
4️⃣Business Performance Management System
5️⃣BI Maturity, Strategy, and Summative Projects

Duration: Approx 22 hours.

Offered By: The University of Colorado (Visit) at Coursera.

Course 12 Design and Build a Data Warehouse for Business Intelligence Implementation

About: This course features a real world-class case study that integrates your learning across all courses in the specialization. So in response to this, you will design and create a small data warehouse, write SQL statements (to support analytical and summary query requirements) and use the MicroStrategy BI platform (for creating dashboards and visualizations).

Modules: Following are the modules under this course:
1️⃣Course Overview
2️⃣Data Warehouse Design
3️⃣Data Integration
4️⃣Analytical Queries and Summary Data Management
5️⃣Data Visualization and Dashboard Design Requirements
Wrap Up and Project Submission

Duration: This course takes around 13 hours to get complete.

Offered By: The University of Colorado (Visit) at Coursera.

Course 13 MongoDB for Developers Learning Path

About: From fundamentals to getting started building a MongoDB-based app in Python, .NET, Java, or Javascript, you’ll learn everything in this course. You’ll also learn to optimize the performance of the deployment of your MongoDB. In other words, everything you need know about data modeling for MongoDB is here in this course.

Modules: In order to become an expert MongoDB Developer and to deploy and administer modern applications at scale you have to follow this learning path:
1️⃣MongoDB Basics
2️⃣Basic Cluster Administration
3️⃣Aggregation Framework
4️⃣MongoDB for Developers
5️⃣MongoDB Performance
6️⃣MongoDB Data Modelling

Duration: Approx 49 hours.

Offered By: MongoDB University

Single Variable Calculus

Course 14 Calculus 1A: Differentiation

About: This course will teach you mathematical notation, physical meaning, geometric interpretation, etc. about derivatives. Also, you will learn to differentiate any function you can think up and to be able to sketch the graph of many functions. Furthermore, you will learn linear and quadratic approximations of functions, simplification of computations, and maximize & minimize functions (to optimize properties like cost, efficiency, energy, and power).

Modules: This course contains the following chapters:
1. Limit Laws
2. Continuity
3. Intermediate Value Theorem
1. Introducing the Derivative
2. Rules for Differentiation of all known functions
3. Approximations
3️⃣Application of Differentiation
1. Curve Sketching
2. Optimization
3. Related Rates

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Duration: Estimated 13 weeks as 6-10 hours per week.

Offered By: MIT(Massachusetts Institute of Technology ) at edX

Course 15 Calculus 1B: Integration

About: Not only the geometric interpretation, its application, and relation with the derivative but you’ll also encounter functions that can’t be integrated without a computer. So you’ll develop a big bag of tricks to attack the functions that you can integrate by hand. Also, you’ll learn to find the center of mass, the stress on a beam during construction, the power exerted by a motor, distance traveled by rocket, etc. using integration.

1. Limit Laws
2. Continuity
3. Intermediate Value Theorem
1. Introducing the Derivative
2. Rules for Differentiation of all known functions
3. Approximations
3️⃣Application of Differentiation
1. Curve Sketching
2. Optimization
3. Related Rates

Duration: Estimated 15 weeks (6-10 hours per week).

Offered By: MIT at edX

Course 16 Calculus 1C: Coordinate Systems & Infinite Series

About: In this course, you will learn to compute arc length, methods for parameterizing curves, doing calculus in polar coordinates, approximate functions with Taylor Polynomials, and Determine convergence properties of infinite series.

Modules: The chapter in this course are below:
1️⃣Changing Perspectives
1. Parametric Equations
2. Polar Coordinates
2️⃣Series and Polynomials
1. Series and Convergence
2. Taylor Series and Power Series

Duration: Estimated 13 weeks ( 6 to 10 hours per week)

Offered By: MITx

Linear Algebra

Course 17 The essence of Linear Algebra

About: The Essence of Linear Algebra is actually a youtube course by the 3Blue1Brown channel. It’s a Playlist on the complete concept of Linear Algebra.

Modules: The contents of the Course Playlist are as follows:

  1. Vectiors
  2. Linear Combinations , Span, and Basic Vectors
  3. Linear Tranformations and Matrices
  4. Matrix Multiplication as Composition
  5. 3 Dimensional Linear Tranformations
  6. The Determinant
  7. Inverse Matrices Column Space and Null Space
  8. Non Square Matrices and Trasformations between Dimensions
  9. Dot Products and Duality
  10. Cross Products
  11. Cross Products in the Light of Linear Tranformations
  12. Cramer’s Rule, Explained Geometrically
  13. Change of Basis
  14. Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues
  15. A Quick Trick For Computing Eigen Values
  16. Abstract Vector Spaces

Duration: The playlist is of 3 hours approximately.

Offered By: 3Blue1Brown at youtube

Course 18 Linear Algebra

About: Designed for independent study this course has been organized as per the MIT course on Linear Algebra and split into three major units:

  1. Ax = b and the four Subspaces
  2. Least Squares, Determinants and Eigenvalues
  3. Positive Definite Matrices and Application.

These units are further divided into a sequence of sessions that covers the topics mentioned below.

Modules: Through this course, you’ll have a good understanding of the following topics:

  1. Systems of linear equations
  2. Row reduction and echelon forms
  3. Matrix operations, including inverses
  4. Block matrices
  5. Linear dependence and independence
  6. Subspaces and bases and dimensions
  7. Orthogonal bases and orthogonal projections
  8. Gram-Schmidt process
  9. Linear models and least-squares problems
  10. Determinants and their properties
  11. Cramer’s Rule
  12. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
  13. Diagonalization of a matrix
  14. Symmetric matrices
  15. Positive definite matrices
  16. Similar matrices
  17. Linear transformations
  18. Singular Value Decomposition

Duration: Unpredictable.

Offered By: MIT Open Courseware

Multivariable Calculus

Course 19 Multivariable Calculus

About: This Course is basically the next part of Single Variable Calculus which covers differential, integral, and vector calculus for functions of more than one variable.

1️⃣Vector and Matrices
2️⃣Partial Derivatives
3️⃣Double Integrals and Line Integrals in the Plane
4️⃣Triple Integrals and Surface Integrals in 3 Space
5️⃣Final Exam

Duration: Unpredictable

Offered By: MIT Open Courseware

Statistics & Probability

Course 20 Introduction to Probability

About: This course is available on both Youtube and edX that you can choose through the link attached with the title of this course. Through this course, you’ll get the tools needed to understand data, science, philosophy, engineering, economics, and finance. Also, you’ll learn to solve challenging technical problems and apply those solutions in everyday life along with examples ranging from various fields.

Modules: Following are the units as per the edX course:

  1. Introduction, course Orientation, and FAQ
  2. Probability, Counting, and Story Proofs
  3. Conditional Probability and Bayes’ Rule
  4. Discrete Random Varianles
  5. Averages, Law of Large Numbers, and Central Limit Theorem
  6. Joint Distributiond and Conditional Expectation
  7. Markov Chains

Duration: Estimated 10 weeks (5-10 hours per week)

Offered By: Harvard University, Department of Statistics.

Course 21 Intro to Descriptive Statistics

About: Here you will learn to analyze, interpret, predict outcomes from data through basic concepts used to describe data. Also, you will learn several statistical study methods, create and interpret histograms, bar charts, frequency plots, center for distributions (mean, median, and mode), quantify data using range and standard deviation, interquartile range, using the Z-score and Z-table, using normal and standardized distributions, and many more. Lastly, you will apply the concepts of probability and Normalization to sample data sets.

Modules: Following lessons will be taught in this course:

1️⃣Intro to Research Methods
2️⃣Visualizing Data
3️⃣Central Tendency
6️⃣Normal Distribution
7️⃣Sampling Distribution

Duration: Approx 2 months

Offered By: Udacity

Course 22 Intro to Inferential Statistics

About: This course allows you to draw conclusions from data that might not be immediately obvious, and enhances your ability to develop hypotheses. You’ll also know to use common tests such as t-tests, ANOVA Tests, and regression to validate your claims.

Modules: The course has the following lessons:

2️⃣Hypothesis Testing
7️⃣Chi-squared Tests

Duration: Approx 2 months

Offered By: Udacity

Data Science Tools & Methods

Course 23 Tools for Data Science

About: Through this course, you’ll learn to use some most popular data science tools along with their features. You’ll also be taught about Jupyter Notebooks, JyupyterLab, RStudio IDE, Git, GitHub, and Watson Studio. Not only the usage but features, limitations, executable programming language, and testing of each tool will be taught individually.

Modules: It has been divided into 4 weeks. The topics are as follows:

1️⃣Data Scientist’s Toolkit [17 videos (Total 84 min)]
2️⃣Open Source Tools [12 videos (Total 54 min)]
3️⃣IBM Tools for Data Science [15 videos (Total 72 min)]
4️⃣Final Assignment: Create and Share your Jupyter Notebook. [1 reading]

Duration: Approximately 19 hours to complete.

Offered By: IBM at Coursera

Course 24 Data Science Methodology

About: Undoubtedly, this course aims to share a methodology that can be used within Data Science to ensure the relevance and proper manipulation of data used in problem-solving. So, this course offers you a solid understanding of the questions being asked and techniques to apply the data correctly to the problem at hand.

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Modules: The course has the following modules:

1️⃣From Problem to Approach and From Requirements to Collection.
2️⃣From Understanding to Preparation and From Modeling to Evaluation.
3️⃣From Deployment to Feedback.

Duration: Approx 8 hours.

Offered By: IBM at Coursera.

Course 25 Data Science: Wrangling

About: It’s very rare that data is easily accessible in a Data Science Project. Most of the time the data is in a file, a database, extraction of web pages, tweets, PDFs, etc. Firstly we have to import the data into R and tidy it using tidyverse package. So the step of converting data from its raw form to the tidy form is called Data Wrangling. Obviously, it’s a critical step that enables you to make critical insights as a Data Scientist. So, here you’ll learn the Data Wrangling processes like importing data into R, tidying data, string processing, HTML parsing, working with dates and times, and text mining.

Modules: You’ll learn the following things through this course:

1️⃣Importing Data into R from Different File Formats.
2️⃣Web Scrapping
3️⃣How to tidy Data using Tidyverse to better facilitate analysis
4️⃣String processing with regular expressions (regex)
5️⃣Wrangling data using dplyr
6️⃣How to work with dates and times as file formats
7️⃣Text mining

Duration: 8 weeks (1-2 hours per week).

Offered By: Harvard University at edX.

Machine Learning/Data Mining

Course 26 Machine Learning

About: In this course, you’ll learn the most effective ML techniques, and gain practice implementing and getting them work.

Modules: The course contains the following chapters:

  1. Introduction [5 videos (Total 42 min), 9 readings, 1 quiz]
  2. Linear Regression with One Variable [7 videos (Total 70 min), 8 readings, 1 quiz]
  3. Algebra Linear Review [6 videos (Total 61 min), 7 readings, 1 quiz]
  4. Linear Regression with Multiple Variables [8 videos (Total 65 min), 16 readings, 1 quiz]
  5. Octave/Matlab Tutorial [6 videos (Total 80 min), 2 readings, 2 quizzes]
  6. Logistic Regression [7 videos (Total 71 min), 8 readings, 1 quiz]
  7. Regularization [4 videos (Total 39 min), 5 readings, 2 quizzes]
  8. Neural Networks: Representation [7 videos (Total 63 min), 6 readings, 2 quizzes]
  9. Neural Networks: Learning [8 videos (Total 78 min), 8 readings, 2 quizzes]
  10. Advice for Applying Machine learning [7 videos (Total 63 min), 7 readings, 2 quizzes]
  11. Machine lewarning Sytem Design [5 videos (Total 60 min), 3 readings, 1 quiz]
  12. Support Vector Machines [6 videos (Total 98 min), 1 reading, 2 quizzes]
  13. Unsupervised learning [5 videos (Total 39 min), 1 reading, 1 quiz]
  14. Dimensionality Reduction [7 videos (Total 67 min), 1 reading, 2 quizzes]
  15. Anomaly Detection [8 videos (Total 91 min), 1 reading, 1 quiz]
  16. Recommender Systems [6 videos (Total 58 min), 1 reading, 2 quizzes]
  17. Large Scale Machine Learning [6 videos (Total 64 min), 1 reading, 1 quiz]
  18. Application Example: Photo OCR [5 videos (Total 57 min), 1 reading, 1 quiz]

Duration: Approx 61 hours.

Offered By: Stanford Online at Coursera

Course 27 Intro to Machine Learning

About: Here you will learn the end-to-end process of investigating data through the Machine Learning lens. In other words, you’ll learn to extract and identify useful features that best represent your data, a few of the most important ML Algorithms, and to evaluate the performance of your ML Algorithms.

Modules: The course contains the following lessons:

1️⃣Welcome to Machine Learning
2️⃣Naive Bayes
3️⃣Support Vector Machines
4️⃣Decision Trees
5️⃣Choose your own Algorithm
6️⃣Datasets and Questions
🔟Feature Scaling

Duration: Approx 10 weeks.

Offered By: Udacity

Course 28 Mining Massive Datasets

About: This is an advanced level course intended for graduates in computer science. In order to go through this course, one should have had courses in Data Structures, Algorithms, Database Systems, Linear Algebra, Multivariable Calculus, and Statistics. The course is based on Text Mining of Massive Datasets.

Modules: You will learn the following topics:

  1. MapReduce systems and algorithms
  2. Locality-sensitive hashing
  3. Algorithms for data streams
  4. PageRank and Web-link analysis
  5. Frequent itemset analysis
  6. Clustering
  7. Computational advertising
  8. Recommendation systems
  9. Social-network graphs
  10. Dimensionality reduction
  11. Machine-learning algorithms

Duration: Estimated 7 weeks (5-10 hours per week)

Offered By: Stanford Online at edX

Course 29 Process Mining

About: You will come to know the key analysis techniques in process mining, various process discovery algorithms and various other analysis techniques that use event data will be presented. Moreover, the course focuses on easy-to-use software, real-life data sets, practical skills to directly apply theory in a variety of application domains. Furthermore, it has three main types of process mining i.e. 1. Discovery, 2. Conformance, and 3. Enhancement.

Modules: Topics of this course are given below:

1️⃣Introduction and Data Mining
2️⃣Process Models and Process Discovery
3️⃣Different Types of Process Models
4️⃣Process Discovery Techniques and Conformance Checking
5️⃣Enrichment of Process Models
6️⃣Operational Support and Conclusion

Duration: Approx 22 hours to complete.

Offered By: Eindhoven University of Technology at Coursera

Order of the Courses:

It is best recommended to follow the sequence of the courses as mentioned above. But some of the courses can be taken parallel as well. The topics or modules within a course must be covered sequentially. The flowchart below demonstrates the order of the courses:

free complete data science degree

Track Your Progress:

As there are multiple courses involved from various platforms and some of them can also be taken parallel, so tracking your progress might get challenging. Don’t worry this Free Data Science Degree Course by OSSU takes care of that as well. You just need to follow the steps below:

Step 1: Go to Trello and create an account there.
Step 2: After opening your account copy this board there. Click here to see how to copy?
Step 3: Thirdly you just need to pass the Course Cards from the Curriculum column to the Doing and Done column.


  1. All the courses mentioned above have to be pursued individually and through multiple platforms.
  2. You can access all the above mentioned courses for absolutely free. In case of the paid courses, click the course in audit mode after free enrollment.
  3. Most of the courses are paid if you need their individual sharable certificate.
  4. One can even get individual course certificates for free through finacial aid if available. Click on the link attached to know more about it.
  5. So, if you want the sharable certificate of any of the above mentioned courses individually you may go through the above points (3 & 4).
  6. Feel free to comment in case of any queries or questions regarding this article.

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