FREE Python Course! By Google +Free Certificate.

In this article, I want to share with you exactly what you will be able to learn from this Professional Certificate Course. There is a total of 6 courses absolutely Free Python Course that Google is offering. Here is everything that you need to know about this complete course certificate. I’ll show you what we will learn in these courses and how can you get your Professional Google Certificate.

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Google Career Certificates

First of all, what are Google Career Certificates? These are programs that google themselves have created for people to learn about skills and get them job-ready. So in the end, you will get a professional certificate using which you can open the gates for opportunities and apply for jobs. So that is basically what Google Career Certificates are about.

They have various different fields in which they have launched various Courses and Certification Programs. For instance in UX design, Data Analytics, IT Support & Automation, and many more. But the one that we’ll be looking at today is on Python. It’s going to be about IT Automation.

IT Automation with Python Professional Certificate Course

free python course

So basically the course is Google IT Automation with Python Professional Certificate which is further divided into six Contents or Courses. All of these Courses need no prior experience and are designed to even start as a fresher. The Courses along with their details and modules are as follows:

Course 1: Crash Course on Python

This is Course 1 of 6 in the Google IT Automation with Python Professional Certificate which takes approx 32 hours to complete. Considering 5 hours a week this Beginner Level Course is split into 6 weeks. The syllabus assigned are hereunder:

Week1: Hello Python!

In this module, you’ll be introduced to the Coursera Platform and the Course Format. Where you’ll learn the basics of programming languages and Syntax, Automation using Scripting, some Basic Functions, and some Arithmetic Operations. This course has 14 videos of a total of 44 minutes along with 5 readings and 4 quizzes.

Week 2: Basic Python Syntax

Here you’ll learn about different Data Types in Python and how to identify & convert between them. Along with that, you’ll deeply explore variables and functions. Also, you will explore the concept of Code Reuse, Code Style, Refactoring Complex codes using Code Comments, Comparing Data using Logical Operators, leveraging this to build complex branching scripts using if-else statements. This module is split into 14 videos (A total of 45 minutes), 9 readings, and 4 quizzes.

Week 3: Loops

So here you’ll expire the intricacies of loops in Python. As well as how to use loops to continuously execute code, how to identify infinite loop errors and how to fix them, how to use for loops to iterate over data, and how to use the range() function with for loops. Additionally, you’ll learn common errors when using for loops and to fix them. The course contains 13 videos of 47 minutes in total, 7 readings, and 4 quizzes.

Week 4: Strings, Lists and Dictionaries

In the fourth week, you will dive into more advanced ways to manipulate strings using indexing slicing, and advanced formatting along with advanced data types such as lists, tuples, and dictionaries. Manipulating data in these structures store references and combining them to store complex data structures will also be taught in this module. It’s a 6-hour long module covered in 16 videos (A Total of 67 minutes), 15 reading,s and 4 quizzes.

Week 5: Object Oriented Programming

Introduction to the concept of OOP, build your own classes, documentation for your classes and methods using docstrings, object instances object inheritance, import and use python modules, etc. Are covered under 13 videos total of 50 minutes 12 readings and 1 quiz. It’s an optional module.

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Week 6: Final Project

Now it’s time to put everything that you have learned into action. Here you’ll get a chance to apply your problem-solving framework to tackle a challenging final project. It’s a 6-hour course that includes 11 videos of a total of 32 minutes, 1 reading and 1 quiz.

Course 2: Using Python to Interact with the Operating System

This course will teach you to set up, Configure, and use your own Developer environment in Python. You can manipulate files and processes running on the OS using Python. Along with that you will understand and use regular expressions (regex), and know when to choose Bash or Python, and create small scripts using Bash.

Week 1: Getting your Python On

This Module contains 16 videos (Total 79 min), 5 readings, 4 quizzes. The videos and their durations are as follows:

Intro to Module 1: Getting Your Python On [2m]
Getting Familiar with the Operating System [6m]
Getting Your Computer Ready for Python [4m]
Setting up Your Environment on Windows (Optional) [4m]
Setting up Your Environment on macOS (Optional) [5m]
Setting up Your Environment on Linux (Optional) [8m]
Interpreted vs. Compiled Languages [2m]
How to Run a Python Script [6m]
Your Own Python Modules [5m]
What is an IDE?4mBenefits of Automation [4m]
Pitfalls of Automation [6m]
Practical Automation Example [7m]
What is Qwiklabs? [3m]
Module 1 Wrap Up: Getting Your Python On [1m]

Week 2: Managing Files with Python

The second-week module has 12 videos (Total 48 min), 3 readings, 3 quizzes. The title of the videos are:

Programming with Files [3m]
Reading Files [5m]
Iterating through Files [4m]
Writing Files [3m]
Working with Files [4m]
More File Information [4m]
Directories [5m]
What is a CSV file? [2m]
Reading CSV Files [3m]
Generating CSV [2m]
Reading and Writing CSV Files with Dictionaries [4m]
Module 2 Wrap Up: Managing Files with Python [1m]

Week 3: Regular Expressions

This module is split into 14 videos (Total 60 min), 2 readings, 4 quizzes. The videos and their durations are:

Intro to Module 3: Regular Expressions [1m]
What are regular expressions? [2m]
Why use regular expressions? [2m]
Basic Matching with grep [5m]
Simple Matching in Python [4m]
Wildcards and Character Classes [6m]
Repetition Qualifiers [5m]
Escaping Characters [4m]
Regular Expressions in Action [5m]
Capturing Groups [5m]
More on Repetition Qualifiers [4m]
Extracting a PID Using regexes in Python [4m]
Splitting and Replacing [5m]
Module 3 Wrap Up: Regular Expressions [1m]

Week 4: Managing Data and Processes

It has 12 videos (Total 48 min), 2 readings, 4 quizzes. Videos are:

Intro to Module 4: Managing Data and Processes [1m]
Reading Data interactively [3m]
Standard Streams [4m]
Environment Variables [4m]
Command-Line Arguments and Exit Status [6m]
Running System Commands in Python [5m]
Obtaining the Output of a System Command [5m]
Advanced Subprocess Management [5m]
What are log files? [1m]
Filtering Log Files with Regular Expressions [4m]
Making Sense out of the Data [4m]
Module 4 Wrap Up: Managing Data and Processes [1m]

Week 5: Testing in Python

It has 14 videos (Total 50 min), 4 readings, 3 quizzes. The videos are as follows:

Intro to Module 5: Testing in Python [1m]
What is testing? [2m]
Manual Testing and Automated Testing [3m]
Unit Tests [3m]
Writing Unit Tests in Python [5m]
Edge Cases3mAdditional Test Cases [4m]
Black Box vs. White Box [3m]
Other Test Types [4m]
Test-Driven Development [2m]
The Try-Except Construct [3m]
Raising Errors [7m]
Testing for Expected Errors [2m]
Module 5 Wrap Up: Testing in Python [1m]

Week 6: Bash Scripting

It has 3 readings, 4 quizzes, and 13 videos (Total 62 min) as follows:

Intro to Module 6: Bash Scripting [2m]
Basic Linux Commands [6m]
Redirecting Streams [4m]
Pipes and Pipelines [6m]
Signaling Processes [5m]
Creating Bash Scripts [3m]
Using Variables and Globs [4m]
Conditional Execution in Bash [5m]
While Loops in Bash Scripts [5m]
For Loops in Bash Scripts [6m]
Advanced Command Interaction [3m]
Choosing Between Bash and Python [3m]
Module 6 Wrap Up: Bash Scripting [2m]

Week 7: Final Project

This module has only 6 videos (Total 13 min) as follows:

Intro to Your Final Project [1m]
Writing a Script from the Ground Up [3m]
Project Problem Statement [3m]
Help with Research and Planning [2m]
Congratulations! [2m]
Sneak Peek of the Next Course [1m]

Course 3: Introduction to Git and GitHub

Week 1: Introduction to Version Control

This module has 16 videos (Total 74 min), 6 readings, 4 quizzes

Course Introduction [5m]
Intro to Module 1: Version Control [3m]
Keeping Historical Copies [2m]
Diffing Files [4m]
Applying Changes [5m]
Practical Application of diff and patch [5m]
What is version control? [3m]
Version Control and Automation [4m]
What is Git? [3m]
Installing Git [3m]
Installing Git on Windows (Optional) [7m]
First Steps with Git [4m]
Tracking Files [5m]
The Basic Git Workflow [6m]
Anatomy of a Commit Message [4m]
Module 1 Wrap Up: Intro to Version Control [2m]

Week 2: Using Git Locally

It has 3 readings, 4 quizzes, and 14 videos (Total 60 min) as hereunder:

Intro to Module 2: Using Git Locally [1m]
Skipping the Staging Area [4m]
Getting More Information About Our Changes [6m]
Deleting and Renaming Files [4m]
Undoing Changes Before Committing [5m]
Amending Commits [4m]
Rollbacks [5m]
Identifying a Commit [6m]
What is a branch? [3m]
Creating New Branches [4m]
Working with Branches [3m]
Merging [2m]
Merge Conflicts [6m]
Module 2 Wrap Up: Using Git Locally [1m]

Week 3: Working with Remotes

This module is split into 13 videos (Total 61 min), 3 readings, and 4 quizzes.

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Intro to Module 3: Working with Remotes [2m]
What is GitHub? [2m]
Basic Interaction with GitHub [6m]
What is a remote? [4m]
Working with Remotes [3m]
Fetching New Changes [3m]
Updating the Local Repository [3m]
The Pull-Merge-Push Workflow [7m]
Pushing Remote Branches [8m]
Rebasing Your Changes [4m]
Another Rebasing Example [8m]
Best Practices for Collaboration [4m]
Module 3 Wrap Up: Working with Remotes [1m]

Week 4: Collaboration

The final module of the 3rd course contains14 videos (Total 61 min), 3 readings, and 4 quizzes. The videos are:

Intro to Module 4: Collaboration [2m]
A Simple Pull Request on GitHub [5m]
The Typical Pull Request Workflow on GitHub [7m]
Updating an Existing Pull Request [4m]
Squashing Changes [6m]
What are code reviews? [4m]
The Code Review Workflow [3m]
How to Use Code Reviews in GitHub [5m]
Managing Collaboration [4m]
Tracking Issues [8m]
Continuous Integration [5m]
Module 4 Wrap Up: Collaboration [1m]
Congratulations! [1m]
Sneak Peek of the Next Course [1m]

Course 4: Troubleshooting and Debugging Techniques

Course 4 of 6 is about troubleshooting and debugging techniques where you learn to analyze real-world IT problems and implement the appropriate strategies to solve them. It also demonstrates techniques to quickly solve problems in IT infrastructure. Additionally, you deal with the root causes of problems related to speed, crashes, or exhausted resources and learn to identify the common mistakes of your code and fix them. This course is split into four weeks module as follows:

Week 1: Troubleshooting Concepts

It covers 3 readings, 4 quizzes and 14 videos (Total 71 min)

Course Introduction4m
Intro to Module 1: Troubleshooting Concepts [2m]
What is debugging? [4m]
Problem Solving Steps [4m]
Silently Crashing Application [5m]
“It Doesn’t Work” [7m]
Creating a Reproduction Case [4m]
Finding the Root Cause [6m]
Dealing with Intermittent Issues [4m]
Intermittently Failing Script [9m]
What is binary search? [3m]
Applying Binary Search in Troubleshooting [4m]
Finding Invalid Data [6m]
Module 1 Wrap Up: Troubleshooting Concepts [2m]

Week 2: Slowness

Here you’ll cover 3 readings, 4 quizzes and 15 videos (Total 77 min),

Intro to Module 2: Slowness [2m]
Why is my computer slow? [4m]
How Computers Use Resources [5m]
Possible Causes of Slowness [5m]
Slow Web Server [10m]
Writing Efficient Code [4m]
Using the Right Data Structures [3m]
Expensive Loops [4m]
Keeping Local Results [4m]
Slow Script with Expensive Loop [7m]
Parallelizing Operations [6m]
Slowly Growing in Complexity [4m]
Dealing with Complex Slow Systems [4m]
Using Threads to Make Things Go Faster [5m]
Module 2 Wrap Up: Slowness [1m]

Week 3: Crashing Programs

In this module you have to do 2 readings, 4 quizzes 14 videos (Total 78 min)

Intro to Module 3: Crashing Programs [3m]
Systems That Crash [6m]
Understanding Crashing Applications [6m]
What to do when you can’t fix the program? [4m]
Internal Server Error [10m]
Accessing Invalid Memory [7m]
Unhandled Errors and Exceptions [6m]
Fixing Someone Else’s Code [4m]
Debugging a Segmentation Fault [5m]
Debugging a Python Crash [5m]
Crashes in Complex Systems [6m]
Communication and Documentation During Incidents [5m]
Writing Effective Postmortems [4m]
Module 3 Wrap Up: Crashing Programs [1m]

Week 4: Managing Resources

Managing resources has been spllit into 16 videos (Total 74 min), 3 readings, 4 quizzes:

Intro to Module 4: Managing Resources [2m]
Memory Leaks and How to Prevent Them [5m]
Managing Disk Space [5m]
Network Saturation [5m]
Dealing with Memory Leaks [8m]
Getting to the Important Tasks [6m]
Prioritizing Tasks [6m]
Estimating the Time Tasks Will Take [4m]
Communicating Expectations [5m]
Dealing with Hard Problems [4m]
Proactive Practices [5m]
Planning Future Resource Usage [4m]
Preventing Future Problems [4m]
Module 4 Wrap Up: Managing Resources [1m]
Congratulations! [1m]
Sneak Peek of Next Course [1m]

Course 5: Configuration Management and the Cloud

In this course, you’ll understand the advantages of configuration management and infrastructure as code along with managing a fleet of computers using Puppet. Moreover, this Course teaches you to automatically deploy new virtual machines running in the Cloud and deploy changes in a safe manner.

Week 1: Automating with Configuration Management

This module is covered under 11 videos (Total 45 min), 4 readings, 4 quizzes. The title of the videos are as follows:

Course Introduction [5m]
Intro to Module 1: Automating with Configuration Management [2m]
What is scale? [2m]
What is configuration management? [5m]
What is infrastructure as code? [6m]
What is Puppet? [3m]
Puppet Resources [3m]
Puppet Classes [2m]
What are domain-specific languages? [4m]
The Driving Principles of Configuration Management [5m]
Module 1 Wrap Up: Automating with Configuration Management [2m]

Week 2: Deploying Puppet

It contains 10 videos (Total 44 min), 3 readings, 4 quizzes

Intro to Module 2: Deploying Puppet [1m]
Applying Rules Locally [5m]
Managing Resource Relationships [4m]
Organizing Your Puppet Modules [6m]
Puppet Nodes [3m]
Puppet’s Certificate Infrastructure [5m]
Setting up Puppet Clients and Servers [5m]
Modifying and Testing Manifests [3m]
Safely Rolling out Changes and Validating Them [5m]
Module 2 Wrap Up: Deploying Puppet [2m]

Week 3: Automation in the Cloud

It has 13 videos (Total 66 min), 2 readings, 4 quizzes

Intro to Module 3: Automation in the Cloud [2m]
Cloud Services Overview [5m]
Scaling in the Cloud [6m]
Evaluating the Cloud [5m]
Migrating to the Cloud [6m]
Spinning up VMs in the Cloud [5m]
Creating a New VM Using the GCP Web UI [6m]
Customizing VMs in GCP [6m]
Templating a Customized VM [7m]
Cloud-Scale Deployments [4m]
What is orchestration? [3m]
Cloud Infrastructure as Code [4m]
Module 3 Wrap Up: Automation in the Cloud [2m]

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Week 4: Managing Cloud Instances at Scale

Here you’ll learn Managing Cloud Instances at Scale through14 videos (Total 67 min), 3 readings and 4 quizzes.

Intro to Module 4: Managing Cloud Instances at Scale [2m]
Storing Data in the Cloud [7m]
Load Balancing [5m]
Change Management [6m]
Understanding Limitations [4m]
Getting Started with Monitoring [5m]
Getting Alerts When Things Go Wrong [6m]
Service-Level Objectives [6m]
Basic Monitoring in GCP [8m]
What to Do When You Can’t Be Physically There [3m]
Identifying Where the Failure Is Coming From [3m]
Recovering from Failure [3m]
Module 4 Wrap Up: Managing Cloud Instances at Scale [2m]
Congratulations! [1m]

Course 6: Automating Real-World Tasks with Python

The final course of Google IT Automation with Python deals with the use of APIs to interact with web services and Data Sterilization to send messages between running programs. You’ll also learn to use Python External Libraries to create and modify documents, images, and messages. Finally, you’ll build a solution using the skills you have learned so far.

Week 1: Manipulating Images

This module contains 8 readings which are given below along with their duration.

Course Introduction [10m]
Welcome to the Course! [10m]
Module 1 Introduction [10m]
Built-In Libraries vs. External Libraries [10m]
What is an API? [10m]
How to Make Sense of an API? [10m]
How to Use PIL for Working With Images [10m]
Project Problem Statement [10m]

Week 2: Interacting with Web Services

The second-week module has just 10 readings as follows:

Module 2 Introduction [10m]
Web Applications and Services [10m]
Data Serialization [10m]
Data Serialization Formats [10m]
More About JSON [10m]
The Python Requests Library [10m]
Useful Operations for Python Requests [10m]
HTTP GET and POST Methods [10m]
What is Django? [10m]
Project Problem Statement [10m]

Week 3: Automatic Output Generation

This module contains just 8 readings which are mentioned below:

Module 3 Introduction [10m]
Introduction to Python Email Library [10m]
Adding Attachments [10m]
Sending the Email Through an SMTP Server [10m]
Introduction to Generating PDFs [10m]
Adding Tables to our PDFs [10m]
Adding Graphics to our PDFs [10m]
Project Problem Statement [10m]

Week 4: Putting It All Together

It has just 1 video (Total of 1 min), 3 readings, and 1 quiz. Following are the readings in this module:

Module 4 Introduction [10m]
Project Problem Statement [10m]
How to Approach the Problem [10m]

How to Get Free Certificate

One thing is that how can you get the certificate right. So to get it for free you have to click on the financial aid option. You can click on continue to the application. So when you click on this and apply for financial aid, they will ask you a couple of questions, For example, they will ask you why do you want to apply for financial aid? what is your earning? etc.

Personally, when I was getting started I did not have any earning. I did not have enough funds to buy courses and stuff. So I just applied for this and said my earning is zero. You can just write a long paragraph and get access to this course. It will take about 15 days to get the financial aid done. Once that happens then you can get the course certificate as well. So once you complete all the six courses that they have in this professional certificate you will get a professional certificate from google that you can use in your resume and stuff like that.

but you don’t need to worry about all of this. If you just want to learn from these courses, which I think should be really the core focus of yours just click on enroll for free. Just go down and there’s something called to audit the course. So you click on audit the course and that’s all you need to do and you are good to go with taking all of the classes and completing all the different assignments.

Key Highlights

  • You have to complete all of these courses in order to get Google IT Automation with Python Professional Certificate.
  • Though it is highlyy recommended to move in the series assigned, you still have the flexibility to start from any of the 6 courses.
  • If the course maynnoit offer an audit option you can try a free trial or apply for Financial Aid.
  • You can Share this Certificate into your Linkedin profile.

That’s all you need to know if you want to get started as a python developer. If you want to learn python you’ll love how they are going into depth. Especially they are giving you applications of python. There are so many different modules that you can get into. With the help of this Free Python Course, you can start building some really interesting projects. I myself have built over 100 different projects in python, so I know how interesting it can actually be. So yeah this is a great Free Python Course that you can get started with.

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