
High-Level vs Low-Level Language


In this tutorial, you are going to learn about what is a programming language, what is low-level language and what is a high-level language, and what are the differences between low-level language and high-level language briefly.

Now getting into the tutorial, most of the world is now into the highest level of technologies, and most of the operations in every field were done through computers and robots. Now all of us have one doubt swirling in our minds, how do scientists convey the message of doing a particular thing at a particular instance? How this extent of communication is being done between humans and technology? For all these question marks, the only answer is a programming language, what is it?


As we people use different types of regional languages to communicate with people, similarly programming language is the key to communication between computers and humans. Programming language is a set of instructions written in any specific language to perform any task.

So now you understood that programming language is a barrier between humans and computers, from where these computer languages originate? How many types of computer languages are there? What are they? Now you will get to know about all these.

In 1883, the first programming language was created. It was created by Ada Lovelace for Charles Babbage’s analytical engine which is used for computing Bernoulli numbers. It was named an Algorithm for the analytical engine. And later on, the inventions of different kinds of computer languages were done based on the preferences of the people.


Now we will learn about different types of programming languages…


There are two types of programming languages. They are

  • Low-level programming languages
  • High-level programming languages


Low-level programming languages are machine-dependent programming languages that mainly depend on binary values(  0’s and 1’s). the processor itself can run low-level programming languages without the intervention of any kind of compilers or interpreters. As a result, low-level programming languages can run very fast.

These low-level programming languages are further classified into two categories.

  1. Machine language
  2. Assembly language

Machine level languages:

Machine languages are also known as machine code or object code. Machine languages can be very easily readable and understandable as it is normally displayed in binary form. Computers can directly understand machine language programs so there is no requirement for a translator to convert the programs. Machine languages can be executed very fast when compared with high-level languages as the processor itself takes care of the execution.

Some of the machine languages are….

  • ARM
  • DEC
  • x86
  • IBM System/360
  • MIPS
  • Sun, Oracle SPARC

Assembly languages:

the ASMs, popularly known as assembly languages, represent a set of symbols that can be easily understood by humans. To convert the assembly language to machine language, it simply uses a converter in order to take the required conversion.

Some of the assembly languages are….

  • ASEM-51
  • AKI
  • BAL
  • C–
  • Emu8086


High-level programming languages enable people to write user-friendly programs which are closer and more understandable to humans and farther to machine language. High-level programming language is used for designing user-friendly programs and websites. This kind of programming language requires a compiler or interpreter to translate the program into machine language. High-level programming languages are easy to read, write, and easy to maintain.

High-level programming languages are further classified into three parts. They are…

  1. Procedural-oriented programming language
  2. Object-oriented programming language
  3. Natural language

Procedural-oriented programming languages:

Procedural-oriented programming languages are based upon procedural call concepts. This kind of programming language divides the entire program into small portions called routines or functions. This kind of programming language makes it easy for the user to easily track the flow of control of the program and code re-usability can be done throughout the program.

Some of the procedural-oriented programming languages are….

  • C

Object-oriented programming languages:

Object-oriented programming languages are a kind of language, which mainly depends on objects. In this type of programming language, the entire program is divided into parts, which are known as objects. These objects are used to implement some of the programming methods like polymorphism, inheritance, abstraction, etc. The main advantage of object-oriented programming languages is that these kinds of languages are faster and easier to execute, and easy to maintain.

Some of the object-oriented programming languages are….

  • Scala
  • C++
  • Java
  • Python
  • C#
  • ruby

Natural languages:

Natural languages are nothing but human languages such as Russian, Japanese, French, etc. These natural languages are used by machines to understand, manipulate, and interpret human languages. Natural languages are used by programmers to perform tasks such as translation of languages, Summarization, relationship extraction, topic segmentation, etc. The main advantage of natural language is that this kind of language helps users to ask questions in any subject and directly respond to short span of time


High-Level LanguageLow-Level Languages
High-Level Languages are simple to pick up and comprehend.Low-level languages may be difficult to learn and comprehend.
Because they need translation software, they run slower than lower-level languages.They work at a breakneck pace.
They allow for a great deal more abstraction.They don’t allow much if any, abstraction.
At the hardware level, they don’t have a lot of options.They are extremely near to the hardware and may assist in the development of software at the hardware level.
Hardware expertise is not necessary for creating programs.Hardware expertise is required while creating programs.
The programs are simple to change.It’s tough to change programs.
Several instructions may be executed by a single statement.The assertions may be directly translated to instructions on the CPU.


Hence, these days high-level programming languages are more preferred than low-level programming languages as people think high-level languages are more programmer-friendly when compared to low-level languages. High-level languages provide better programming productivity than low-level languages. High-level languages are less prone to errors when compared with low-level programming languages. So, these are some of the reasons which made high-level programming languages more popular.

That’s it from this tutorial. hope you find it useful.

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