Master Linux and Shell Script From Beginner level to Advanced

Learn useful Linux commands and shell scripts and create your custom programs in this free online course.

 Publisher: Rahul Kumar Sharma

Have you ever wondered how to make and share files securely and easily over a network? This course will show you some primary and advanced Linux commands and programs for creating, managing, and exploring files on a system and server. We draft the Linux processes and ways to manage them. Learn how to install and update third-party software applications and use conditions to automate a task to save time and struggle.


Linux is an open-source working system backed by a large assembly that constantly supports and releases new features and security patches. We will guide you on how to install Linux, its fundamentals and significant components, and why it is important to learn for IT specialists. To accept text-based commands from a user, Linux provides a software program called shell that accepts input from the user and provides the crucial output. We teach you how commands work, the actual characters used in commands, and the terminal explores guides and files. We also cover additional command redirection techniques that you can use to shift the output of one command to the input of another. A command or program develops a process, and a program is nothing but a collection of steps. We will guide you on what a process is and how to get info about it, send signals to it, and manage a Linux process.

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Further function

Installing a third-party utility on the Linux OS is separate from Windows or Mac and requires a command line. We discuss package managing tools to search, install, update and remove an application and its dependencies in different Linux allotments. Linux is a secure OS, and it is selected as a server OS by many IT experts for its stability, flexibility, and ease of use. Investigate how to use the proper organizational tools to detect and fix a network problem and control or modify a remote server securely over the internet. Explore the different encryption techniques used for protecting user data on a server. The primary goal behind writing any shell script is to automate an assignment to save time and human effort. We use ‘For’ and ‘While’ loops to execute iterations without any need for writing the codes frequently. We show you how to run a program for a defined or indefinite number of times using loops until you achieve the expected output.

We have designed this course for beginners who want to have hands-on knowledge of Linux and desire to make a career in IT. It demands no earlier knowledge or experience in Linux, and anyone can opt in. This course isn’t only about the approach and concepts of Linux programs and commands. Instead, we show how to practically write a program and execute it while setting any error during the execution of the program or command. To make the course interactive and interesting, we provide answers to the most common questions you might have. Since Linux is freely available and uses more occasional hardware resources than other popular operating systems, it is a clear choice for many software programmers and IT professionals. Furthermore, its flexibility allows you to use it on a private computer and a local or web server. So, it is one of the most in-demand OS in IT, spreading up a vast arena of jobs for people with knowledge and expertise in Linux. Why stay? Join the revolution today!

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Image credit:- Kaspersky


Linux Commands and Programs

  1. Linux Commands and Programs – Learning Outcomes
  2. Roadmap and Introduction
  3. Linux Commands and Security
  4. Package Management and Networking
  5. Shell Script and Command Category
  6. Linux Commands and Programs – Lesson Summary

Course assessment

  1. Master Linux and Shell Script From Beginner to Advanced – Course assessment

Having finished this module, you will be able to: 

  1. Characterize the process of installing various Linux distributions on your machine.
  2. List most typically used Linux commands and their functions.
  3. Define operation in the context of Linux.
  4. Outline the method to write short programs in Linux using the command line.
  5. Explain different steps involved in creating and updating a file in Linux.
  6. Order the line of steps used to download and install software packages in Linux.
  7. Examine the procedure to control or modify remote servers from your local machine.
  8. Define the use of shell script to automate different tasks.
  9. Resemble for loop and while loop.
  10. Summarize additional file management techniques in Linux.

Lesson Summary

The main topics from this module are:

  • Linux is an open-source operating system that is also unrestricted as a server OS.
  • Linux distribution is a bundle of its core part known as grain and many other applications such as spreadsheets and video players.
  • For a better version, most of the Linux servers are non-GUI which necessitates learning its fundamentals and commands.
  • A virtual machine (VM) is a separate computer that can run on any physical machine knowns as a host.
  • There is a thin layer of software called a hypervisor that is answerable for resource distribution and host-VM communication.
  • To accept text-based commands from users, Linux supplies a software program called the shell. The primary job of the shell is to handle the user input and provide a program.
  • A process is developed by a program or command, and a program is a collection of steps.
  • LESS is a generally used program to read a file while VIM is for editing and updating a file.
  • When you have a procedure ID and its current status, you can manage the same process.
  • Package control tools help to install, update and remove third-party software utilities in Linux.
  • For and loops in Linux help accomplish instructions numerous times without writing the code again and again.
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Master Linux and Shell Script From Beginner level to Advanced – Course assessment

Before you start…

Your Assessment(you require to score 80% or more to pass)

This course assessment will now allow you to review your learning and define your knowledge and understanding of this course. Remember, if you do not achieve the required standard after the first shot, you can re-take the assessment until a successful outcome is achieved.

Master Linux and Shell Script From Beginner Level to Advanced – Course assessment

Learning Outcomes

You will be evaluated on the following learning outcomes:

– Display the process of installing various Linux distributions on your machine.

– List most generally used Linux commands and their functions.

– Determine process in the context of Linux. 

– Outline the method to write short programs in Linux using the command line. 

– Explain different steps involved in creating and updating a file in Linux. 

– Order the series of steps used to download and install software packages in Linux.

– Discuss the process to control or modify remote servers from your local machine.

– Describe the use of shell script to automate various tasks. 

– Approximate for loop and while loop.

– Translate different file management techniques in Linux.

Ways to take this course

Choose your path when you enroll.

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