Want to shorten or skip the tutorial part? or Want an overview before you decide to get deeper into Python? This is the perfect article for you. I have shortlisted a few trustworthy Python full Tutorials that will save a lot of your learning time. So that you can jump into the steps ahead. Secondly, these videos are from popular channels preferred for Python Learning. Undoubtedly, these videos cover almost all the topics very precisely that could have taken days to cover in learning institutions.
So below is our list arranged in descending order as per video duration:
Tech With Tim

About: One of the most preferred programming channels Tech With Tim, has packed the full python tutorial in just an 80 minutes video. If you are a beginner or a dropout who wants to restart learning then this tutorial will surely give you a quick detailed insight into Python.
Duration: 1 hour and 19 minutes
Modules: The tutorial covers the following topics:
- Introduction
- Setup & Installation
- What Python is Used For
- Data Scientist Master’s Program
- Data Types
- Output & Printing
- Variables
- User Input
- Arithmetic Operator
- String Methods
- Conditional Operators
- Chained Conditionals
- If/Else/Elif
- List/Tuples
- For Loops
- While Loops
- Slice Operator
- Sets
- Dicts
- Comprehensions
- Functions
- *args & **kwargs
- Scope & Globals
- Exceptions
- Handling Exceptions
- Lambda
- Map and Filter
- F Strings
- Conclusion
Apna College

About: Apna College channel is a Hindi channel established especially for Indian Audiences. So if you are looking for a Hindi Python Tutorial then their Tutorial can be a good option. Along with precisely explaining topics they have a few illustrations and exercises as well.
Duration: 1 Hour and 17 minutes
Modules: You will learn the following topics in this tutorial:
- Introduction
- Install Python (Windows & Mac – both)
- Install PyScripter (only for Windows)
- How to work with PyScripter?
- Install PyCharm (Windows & Mac – both)
- Creating a file
- 1st Program (Output)
- Variables
- Exercise 1
- Input
- Concatenation
- Exercise 2
- Type Conversion
- Print Sum of 2 Numbers
- Strings
- Keywords
- Arithmetic Operators
- Shortcuts
- Operator Precedence
- Comments
- Comparison Operators
- Logical Operators
- If-else
- Mini-Project
- Range
- Loops (while Loop)
- for Loop
- List
- for Loop in List
- Break & Continue
- Tuple
- Set
- Dictionary
- Functions

About: Another great option for the Hindi audience is CodeWithHarry. He has explained everything using Pycharm IDE.
Duration: 1 Hour
Modules: CodeWithHarry explains the following topics in his one-hour tutorial:
- Installing Pycharm
- Modules
- Print Function In Python
- Comments In Python
- Strings
- Variables In Python
- Data Types In Python
- Operators In Python
- More About Strings
- List In Python
- List Indexing and Add Items In List
- Tuples In Python
- Dictionaries In Python
- If-Else Condition
- Loops In Python
- Functions In Python
- Strings In Details
- File Handling In Python
- OOPS (Objects oriented programming subject)
Programming with Mosh

About: Programming with Mosh has covered everything needed for a beginner to start python, in just 60 minutes. So if you want to learn Python for either Data Sceince, ML, or Web Development this is the perfect video for you to get started.
Duration: 1 Hour
Modules: The tutorial has covered the following chapters:
- Introduction
- What You Can Do With Python
- Your First Python Program
- Variables
- Receiving Input
- Type Conversion
- Strings
- Arithmetic Operators
- Operator Precedence
- Comparison Operators
- Logical Operators
- If Statements
- Exercise
- While Loops
- Lists
- List Methods
- For Loops
- The range() Function
- Tuples
Coding For everybody

About: Despite having a lesser number of subscribers the contents of this channel are of wonderful quality. Probably the reason behind that it’s a new channel. They have presented the tutorial in a very professional and precise way. You must visit this video through the link before choosing any one of the above.
Duration: 1 Hour
Modules: Following are the modules of their tutorial video:
- Course introduction
- Where is Python Used?
- Installing Python
- Running Python Files
- Python Shell
- Basic Math
- Variables
- Indentation
- Interactive Python
- Data Types
- Indexing
- Comments
- String Formatting
- Files
- Comparison Operators
- For Loops
- While Loops
- List Comprehensions
- Functions
- Scope
- OOP (Classes)
- Packages
- Try and Except
- Summary
The best part is that you don’t need any prior knowledge even about a single programming language to get started. These full python video tutorials teach you from complete scratch. So start learning today!