Top Best Dsa Courses Which are 100% Free

This blog article will share the top 5 DSA(data Structure and algorithms) courses that are entirely free. These free data courses contain videos and written formats. Before moving to the courses section, you first need to know why data is essential.

Why Learn DSA?

We all know that data structure and algorithms also called problem-solving skills in programming, play an essential role in placement. It is necessary to hire someone who can fix the issues and dsa help solve programming issues in the best and most efficient ways. At the corporate level and in programming, dsa help you reduce the time complexity and help you build a more effective and efficient program.


So our first dsa course is from MIT. Here in this course, you will get a video lecture. This video lecture has been created by top mit teachers and teched all dsa topics. This MIT course is a little bit old, but still, it’s precious and good. This course includes :

  • Video lecture (all Dsa Topics)
  • Hand Written Notes
  • Downloadable Course Materials
  • Assignments etc.

2. Algorithms Ebook by Sedgwick

Our Second course is an ebook by Roberts Sedgwick. This Ebook has all dsa topics covers and other multiple topics also. There are also youtube videos available for his data structure courses. Click here for youtube lecture videos.

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3. GeeksforGeeks data structures

We all know geeks for geeks, and it is well known for dsa courses. You can practice all data structures in this section. geeks for geeks has paid courses also but still, you can practice all dsa that you have learned in previous courses. You will get accurated question of all dsa question

4. DSA in python by Google

Here is one more dsa course by google on udacity platform. In this data structure course you will gonna learn DSA with python programming language via google.

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