10 essentials topics you can easily prepare to crack Coding interview in 2024

This article provides you with a list of all the essential topics that help programmers or developers crack any coding interviews in 2024. 10 Essentials topics you can easily prepare to crack Coding interviews in 2024

What topics you must learn for coding interviews are mentioned there by the interviewers.

It provides resources to learn them easily and crack any interviews without doubts or nervousness.

10 Essentials topics you can prepare to crack Coding interviews in 2024

Let’s start to know about 10 Essentials topics you can prepare to crack Coding interviews in 2024 in this article.

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Description of how to crack any coding interviews in 2024:-

Learn little more about 10 essentials topics you can easily prepare to crack Coding interviews in 2024.

Hello guys, as all of you know, job interviews for programming are not easy and it’s even more difficult to crack any coding programming interview in 2024.

It is difficult to crack any coding interview in tech companies like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, etc. But you can crack easily if you still carefully plan and prepare the essential topics that help to crack most topics like data structure and algorithm, system design, multithreading and concurrency, SQL and databases design, OOP, concepts of Linux, computer networks, and of course skills of problem-solving skills.

Being an article writer on many topics related to programming, I often receive queries about how to crack any coding interviews in 2024 because the demand for programmers has limits and all want to go to programming sectors.

It is difficult to get a job in a high-demand tech company because many are in line for jobs in the programming sectors after all, many are there with high skills and lots of experience so, it is very challenging for you to be at the top.

This list will help you to start your preparation for any tech company like Google, Amazon, or Microsoft.

10 Essentials topics you can prepare to crack Coding interviews in 2024:-

If you want to crack any tech company interview, you are most likely to start from smaller firms, startups, and investment banks to gain more knowledge about programming or tech sectors.  

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I am not pretty sure that this article help you a lot to crack any coding interviews in 2024 but I will share essential skills or topics that are required to pass all coding interviews.

It is also called core programming skills and it is expected from every software developer and for those who want to be a software developer to know about it.   

Preparing for coding interviews can be challenging, but focusing on essential topics can significantly improve your chances of success. Here are ten key topics to prepare for coding interviews in 2024:

->Data Structures

Understanding fundamental data structures is crucial as they are the building blocks of most coding problems.

  • Arrays
  • Linked Lists
  • Stacks
  • Queues
  • Hash Tables (HashMaps)
  • Heaps/Priority Queues
  • Trees (Binary Trees, Binary Search Trees)
  • Graphs (Adjacency List, Adjacency Matrix)
  • Tries


Proficiency in various algorithms is essential for solving complex problems efficiently.

  • Sorting Algorithms (Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Bubble Sort, etc.)
  • Searching Algorithms (Binary Search, Linear Search)
  • Dynamic Programming (Memoization, Tabulation)
  • Greedy Algorithms
  • Backtracking
  • Divide and Conquer
  • Graph Algorithms (DFS, BFS, Dijkstra’s, Kruskal’s, Prim’s)

->Problem-Solving Patterns

Recognizing patterns in problems can help you devise efficient solutions quickly.

  • Two Pointers Technique
  • Sliding Window Technique
  • Merge Intervals
  • Fast and Slow Pointers
  • Top K Elements
  • Subsets/Permutations
  • In-place Reversal of a Linked List

->System Design Basics

For senior or full-stack positions, understanding system design is crucial.

  • Scalability Concepts
  • Load Balancing
  • Caching Mechanisms
  • Database Design (Normalization, Indexing)
  • APIs and Microservices
  • Message Queues
  • CAP Theorem
  • Consistency and Partition Tolerance

->Big O Notation and Complexity Analysis

Analyzing the efficiency of algorithms is critical for writing optimal code.

  • Time Complexity
  • Space Complexity
  • Best, Worst, and Average Case Analysis
  • Trade-offs between different algorithms

->Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Concepts

Understanding OOP is important for writing clean and reusable code.

  • Classes and Objects
  • Inheritance and Polymorphism
  • Encapsulation and Abstraction
  • Design Patterns (Singleton, Factory, Observer, etc.)

->Concurrency and Multithreading

Knowledge of concurrent programming is valuable, especially for performance-critical applications.

  • Threads and Processes
  • Locks, Semaphores, and Mutexes
  • Deadlock and Race Conditions
  • Asynchronous Programming
  • Parallelism

->Coding Practices

Familiarity with best coding practices can make your code more readable and maintainable.

  • Code Readability and Clarity
  • Refactoring Techniques
  • Writing Testable Code
  • Unit Testing and Test-Driven Development (TDD)
  • Version Control with Git


Understanding database management systems is crucial for handling data-driven applications.

  • SQL and NoSQL Databases
  • ACID Properties
  • Transactions
  • Joins and Indexing
  • ORM (Object-Relational Mapping)

->Domain-Specific Knowledge

For specialized roles, having domain-specific knowledge can give you an edge.

  • Web Development (Frontend and Backend)
  • Mobile App Development
  • Data Science and Machine Learning
  • Cloud Computing and DevOps
  • Cybersecurity Basics

Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you prepare and succeed in coding interviews:-

Cracking a coding interview in 2024 involves a combination of technical preparation, strategic planning, and soft skills.

Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you prepare and succeed in coding interviews:

Step 1: Understand the Interview Process:- understanding the process of the interview means what knowledge is needed to qualify for the interview.

  1. Research the Company:- research details about the top company where you go for the interview.
    • Firstly know about the company’s interview format to give interviews well, the types of questions ask the interviewers, and their technical stack.
    • Read the company reviews on sites like Glassdoor or talk to current employees who applied to that company before if possible.
  2. Interview Stages:- There are two or more stages in every interview to qualify
    • Typically, the process of an interview includes an initial phone screen with good quality, one or more technical interview details, and a final interview that may include system design or behavioral questions.

Step 2: Master the Fundamentals:- Fundamentals help the interviewer to understand each thing in detail.

  1. Data Structures and Algorithms:- structure of data and its algorithm you should know very well
    • Mainly focus on arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, hash tables, trees, graphs, and heaps to qualify the interview of coding in programming.
    • Understand and Learn sorting and searching algorithms, dynamic programming, backtracking, and graph traversal techniques.
  2. Big O Notation:- It works to describe the notation of a graph and its function whenever it tends to value changes
    • Understand time and space complexity with the help of Big O notation and be able to analyze the efficiency of your solutions.
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Step 3: Practice Coding Problems:- Always practice the coding problem after completing the topics

  1. Online Platforms:- Learning online is best for those who are not able to go far and study
    • Use many platforms like LeetCode, HackerRank, CodeSignal, and GeeksforGeeks to practice problems of varying difficulty in coding.
    • The Main aim is to solve every question which is a mix of easy, medium, and hard problems related to coding.
  2. Problem-Solving Techniques:- Here, you are able to solve every problem that generates when are doing coding
    • Get familiar with common patterns like two-pointers, sliding windows, divide and conquer, and dynamic programming.

Step 4: Develop a Study Plan:- Make a plan of study to cover each and every topic in detail

  1. Daily Practice:- Daily practice helps to understand every topic in detail and in the end you become an expert.
    • Allocate consistent with daily practice in time. Start with 1-2 hours daily and gradually increase as the interview date approaches.
  2. Weekly Goals:- Make a proper schedule for the week to cover certain topics
    • Set weekly goals to cover topics and do revise, such as solving a certain number of problems or mastering specific topics.
  3. Mock Interviews:- After completing one topic give the mock test to check whether your topic is completed or not
    • Conduct mock interviews with friends or classmates or use many platforms like Pramp or Interviewing.io to simulate real interview conditions.

Step 5: Learn System Design:- Learn the design of the system to understand each step of how to make the design of the system

  1. Basic Concepts:- First learn the basics of coding to understand further process
    • Understand scalability, load balancing, caching, databases (SQL and NoSQL), and system components (e.g., servers, and clients).
  2. Design Patterns:- Learn a pattern of design to learn how each pattern is made and how they made
    • Learn common design patterns of coding and how they apply to system design to solve problems of coding.
  3. Practice Design Problems:- Practice each question daily to improve your problems
    • Practice daily designing systems like URL shorteners, social media platforms, or e-commerce websites.

Step 6: Refine Coding Skills:- AS you learn all your coding then practice to refine your skills better

  1. Language Proficiency:- Learn most of the coding language to get proficiency in each language
    • Be proficient in at least one programming language like Python, Java, C++, and many more. Python, Java, C++, and JavaScript are commonly used in interviews.
  2. Clean Code:- Write net and clean programming language to execute the program and get output
    • Write readable, maintainable, and well-documented code whenever you write code. Follow best practices steps and coding standards to maintain readability.
  3. Debugging and Testing:- After completing the writing coding test the error or debug that occurs in your programming
    • Develop strong debugging skills to solve problems that occur while generating coding and practice writing unit tests.

Step 7: Prepare for Behavioral Questions:- Prepare yourself for different types of questions asked by the interviewers

  1. STAR Method:- It is a very unique or best method to solve any coding questions
    • Use the STAR method(Situation, Task, Action, Result) method to structure your answers given by the coding.
  2. Common Questions:- Select a common question frequently asked by the interviewer in the coding
    • Prepare best answers for common questions like “Tell me about yourself,” “Describe a challenge you faced while coding,” “What expectation do you have from there”, and “Why do you want to work here?”
  3. Company Culture:- Understand the demand of the company from the clients
    • Understand the company’s values and culture of the company to align your responses with their expectations from the clients.
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Step 8: Review and Reflect:- Check the review of the company where you apply for your job

  1. Post-Practice Review:- After checking the review of the company do practice according to the demand of the company
    • After solving a problem related to coding, review your solution and consider alternate approaches to solve it.
    • Reflect on your best performance in mock interviews and identify areas for improvement.
  2. Stay Updated:- Stay updated on upcoming news related to the company or coding
    • Keep up with the latest trends in technology and programming sectors.

Step 9: Day of the Interview:- Well-prepared for your interview day to give your best

  1. Preparation:- Do prepare and challenge yourself to qualify for the interview
    • Ensure that you have a quiet, comfortable space for the interview to stay calm and answer every question nicely.
    • Have your resume, a notepad, and a pen ready when you are going for the interview.
  2. Mental and Physical Readiness:- Prepare well mentally and physically when you go for any interview
    • Get a good and full night’s sleep before the interview day to stay positive that day.
    • Stay hydrated and eat well to qualify.
  3. Stay Calm and Confident:- Always stay positive, calm, and confident wherever you go.
    • Approach to solve each problem methodically. Clarify any doubts related to the coding with the interviewer before diving into coding.
    • Think out loud to demonstrate your thought process in front of interviewers.

Step 10: Post-Interview Follow-Up:- Follow the past interviewer’s method and check their interview how they perform

  1. Thank You Note:- Prepare a thank you note after completing the interview for the interviewer.
    • Send a thank-you email or message to express your appreciation for the opportunity given by the interviewer.
  2. Reflect and Learn:- Learn many things from the interview to improve yourself for your future journey
    • Reflect on the interview, noting what went well and what could be improved.
    • Use feedback to guide your further preparation.

Cracking a coding interview in 2024 requires thorough preparation in data structures and algorithms, system design, coding practices, and soft skills. Practice consistently, simulate real interview conditions with mock interviews, and stay confident and calm during the actual interview. With diligent preparation and a strategic approach, you can significantly improve your chances of coding success.https://in.indeed.com/career-advice/interviewing/how-to-crack-coding-interview.


To crack any coding interviews in 2024, it is essential to have a strong grasp of data structures, algorithms, problem-solving patterns, and system design. Additionally, understanding complexity analysis, OOP concepts, concurrency, coding practices, databases, and domain-specific knowledge can significantly enhance your preparation. Practice solving problems on platforms like LeetCode, HackerRank, and CodeSignal, and engage in mock interviews to improve your skills and confidence.

That’s why I suggest you aim higher because if you don’t get the job according to your expectations at least you still have the choice to get a job that is desirable by many programmers in your comfort zone.

Another thing to note is that different interviews need different skills. If you want to get a job in Python programming interviews then you also have to know about what is Python programming and also the framework of Python like Django and Flask.

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