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Best Free Python eBooks: Learn, Basics to Automating.

Carrying a book all the time can be a difficult task if going somewhere. Especially while traveling or when you are alone at a busy place eBooks can be your good mates. So here in this article, I have brought for you the best 5 eBooks on Python that are absolutely free. From Basics or Introduction of Python to learn Automating Stuffs, we have a collection of all of them. These eBooks are just from 90 pages to 120 pages except one i.e Automating Boring Stuff with Python which is 479 pages. So let’s begin with our list:

Introduction to Computer Networking

free python eBooks

This is basically the set of four eBooks that you can buy individually as per your choice. These eBooks take an approx 3 hours of reading time each. The books are as follows:

Fundamentals of Python Programming.

Best For: This book is especially for beginners who are interested and focused on learning python programming and computer science concept.

Concepts you will learn: This book will give you a firm understanding of variables, for loops, while loops, if-else statements, and much more. The information provided in this book is precise and easy to understand. Irrespective of your background in computer programming this will help you to start your journey with python.

Introduction to Swift.

Best For: This is a perfect learning source for anyone who is interested in building iOS, iWatch, macOS, or tvOS applications.

Concepts you will learn: If you are a beginner you need to learn the basics of programming in the swift language before coming to this. Otherwise, you can jump onto this e-book instead and start learning how to program your first iPhone application. This book also deals with VARIABLES, IF, ELSE, AND SWITCH.

Fundamentals of Java Programming.

Best For: It’s a step-by-step guide while still remaining bite-sized and easy to understand. This book is the perfect guide for anyone who is interested in building software, Java, programming, and computer science.

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Concepts you will learn: Concepts such as variables, loops, control flow, and much more are covered in this book. This will develop a basic understanding of the fundamentals of Java along with its real-world applications and prepare you for learning more complex concepts of programming.

Introduction to Computer Networking.

Best For: The influence of the internet today is such that around 25 billion devices are connected to it. So eventually learning its basics and functioning has become as important as learning the alphabet. Best suitable for anyone interested in cyber security, network engineering, or ethical hacking.

Concepts you will learn: This book gives a firm understanding of data protocols and transmission, sockets, packets, etc. Using which you will create your own chatroom and host it on a local server, passing messages from one computer to another. Which will also let you understand the security vulnerabilities and how hackers exploit them.

Author: Potato Pirates
Pages: 90 | Year: 2019 | Language: EN
Added: 2020-09-18

Book Link

SciPy Programming Succinctly

Best For: James McCaffrey’s SciPy Programming Succinctly offers readers a quick, thorough grounding in knowledge of the Python open learn Python The Hard Wayource extension SciPy. The SciPy library, accompanied by its interdependent NumPy, offers Python programmers advanced functions that work with arrays and matrices. Each section presents a complete demo program for programmers to experiment with, carefully chosen examples to best illustrate each function, and resources for further learning. Use this e-book to install and edit SciPy, and use arrays, matrices, and combinatorics in Python programming.

Concepts you will learn: It’s been divided into 5 contents as follows;

  • Getting Started
  • Arrays
  • Matrices
  • Combinatorics
  • Miscellaneous Topics

Author: James McCaffrey
Pages: 120 | Year: 2016 | Language: EN
Added: 2021-10-15

Book Link

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python

Best For: This ebook is basically like a compilation of multiple articles provided on this page itself. You can simply tap on the links mentioned in their content and directly visit that particular concept. Especially for python developers, it’s a best practice handbook to the installation, configuration, and usage of Python on a daily basis.

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Concepts you will learn:

Chapter 1: Beginner in Python? Let’s properly setup up your Python environment:

  • Properly Install Python on your system:
  • Using Virtualenvs with Pipenv:

Chapter 2: Python Development Environments

This chapter or section of the guide focuses on the Python development environment and the best-practice tools that are available for writing Python code.

Chapter 3: Writing Great Python Code

This chapter is dedicated to the best practices for writing Python code.

Chapter 4: Scenario Guide for Python Applications

This chapter focuses especially on tool and module advice based on various scenarios.

Chapter 5: Shipping Great Python Code

This section is based on sharing and deploying your Python code.

Chapter 6: Additional Notes

This additional notes section of this content deals with some background information about python and then focuses on the next step.

Chapter 7: Contribution notes and legal information (for those interested).

Author: Kenneth Reitz
Pages: 119 | Year: 2016 | Language: EN
Added: 2016-11-06

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Python Basics

Best For: Our fourth eBook on Python is best suitable for a one or two-day workshop, especially for Python Beginners.

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Concepts you will learn: Following are the chapters in this book:

  • Introduction
  • Number and String Data Types
  • Functions
  • Getting User Input
  • Executing external commands
  • Control Structures
  • Lists
  • Sequence, Set and Dict data types
  • Text Processing
  • File Handling
  • Command line arguments
  • Exception handling and Debugging
  • Docstrings
  • Testing
  • Exercises
  • Further Reading

Author: Sundeep Agarwal
Pages: 119 | Year: 2016 | Language: EN
Added: 2017-01-30

Book Link

Automate Boring Stuff With Python

Best For: From this book, you’ll learn how to use Python to write programs that do in minutes what would take you hours to do by hand. It needs no prior programming experience. Once you have mastered the basics of Python, you can smoothly and effortlessly make programs that perform useful and impressive tasks of automation. Even a beginner can master the concepts for automation through this book.

Concepts you will learn: The book is basically divided into 20 Chapters and three appendices. Following are the contents provided in this book:

  1. Python Basics
  2. Flow Control
  3. Functions
  4. Lists
  5. Dictionaries and Structure Data
  6. Manipulating Strings
  7. Pattern Matching with Regular Expressions
  8. Input Validation
  9. Reading and writing Files
  10. Organising Files
  11. Debugging
  12. Web Scraping
  13. Working with Excel Spreadsheet
  14. Working with Google Spreadsheet
  15. Working with pdf and Word Documents
  16. Working with CSV Files and Jason Data
  17. Keeping Time Scheduling Tasks and Launching Programs
  18. Sending Email and Text Messages
  19. Manipulating Images
  20. Controlling the Keyboard and Mouse with GUI Automation
  21. Appendix A: Installing Third Party Modules
  22. Appendix B: Running Programs
  23. Appendix C: Answer top the Practice Questions

Author: Al Sweigart
Pages: 479 | Year: 2015 | Language: EN
Added: 2016-11-11

Book Link

Get your Free eBook from the link provided at the end of every eBook’s details. Also if you found this article helpful do share this with your learning mate. Happy Coding!

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